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Journal Publications
Names in bold are my students, names with asterisks are corresponding authors
Yao J., Xian X., and Wang C.* (2023). "Adaptive sampling for monitoring multi-profile data with within-and-betweeen profile correlation", Technometrics, accepted.
Wang X., Wang C.*, Song X., Kirby L., and Wu J.* (2022). "Regularized multi-output Gaussian convolution process with domain adaptation", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, accepted.
Fallahdizcheh A., and Wang C.* (2022). "Data-level transfer learning for degradation modeling and prognosis," Journal of Quality Technology, accepted.
Fallahdizcheh A., and Wang C.* (2022). "Transfer learning of degradation modeling and prognosis based on multivariate functional analysis with heterogeneous sampling rates," Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 223: 108448.
McGehee D.*, Cheryl A., Kasarla P., and Wang C. (2022). "Quantifying and recommending seat belt reminder timing using naturalistic driving video data," Journal of Safety Research, 80: 399-407.
Ellis D.*, Tatum M., Wang C., Thomas G., and Peters T. (2022). "Combining physics-based and Kriging models to improve the estimation of noise exposure," Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, accepted.
Fallahdizcheh A., and Wang C.* (2022). "Profile monitoring based on transfer learning of multiple profiles with incomplete samples," IISE Transactions, 54 (7), 643-658.
Lee J., Wang C., Sui X., Zhou S.*, and Chen J. (2021). “Landmark-embedded Gaussian process with applications for functional data modeling”, IISE Transactions, accepted.
Hu Z., and Wang C.* (2022). “Nonlinear online multi-output Gaussian process for multi-stream data informatics,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 18 (6), 3885-3893.
Kasarla P., Wang C.*, Brown T., and McGehee D. (2021). “Modeling and prediction of driving performance measures based on multi-output convolutional Gaussian process,” Accident Analysis & Prevention, 161: 106360.
Gao Y., Huang X., Wang C., and Wu J.* (2022). “Estimating size and number density of three-dimensional particles using truncated cross-sectional data,” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 144 (2): 021002.
Wang C., Pu H., Sui X., Zhou S.*, and Chen J. (2021). “Hybrid modeling and sensitivity analysis on reduced graphene oxided filed-effect transistor”, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 20: 404-416.
Wang C., Zhang W., and Villarini G.* (2021). “On the use of convolutional Gaussian process to improve the seasonal forecasting of precipitation and temperature”, Journal of Hydrology, 593: 125862.
Wang C.*, and Zhou S. (2021). “Control of key performance indicators of manufacturing production systems through pair-copula modeling and stochastic optimization”, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 58: 120-130.
Wang C., Zhu X., Zhou S.*, and Zhou Y. (2021). “Bayesian learning of structures of ordered block graphical models with an application on multistage manufacturing processes”, IISE Transactions, 53 (7), 770-786.
Wang C., and Zhou S.* (2019). “Approximate Key Performance Indicator Joint Distribution through Ordered Block Model and Pair Copula Construction”, IISE Transactions, 51 (11),1265-1278.
Wang C., and Zhou S.* (2018). “Process Tracking and Monitoring Based on Discrete Jumping Model”. Journal of Quality Technology, 50 (1): 34-48.
Wang C., and Zhou S.* (2017). “Contamination Source Identification Based on Sequential Bayesian Approach for Water Distribution Network with Stochastic Demands”. IISE Transactions, 49 (9): 899-910.
Wang C., Shen C., He Q.*, Zhang A., Liu F., and Kong F. (2016). “Wayside Acoustic Defective Bearing Detection Based on Improved Dopplerlet Transform and Doppler Transient Matching”. Applied Acoustics, 101 (1): 141-155.
Wang C., Hu F., He Q.*, Zhang A., Liu F., and Kong F. (2014). “De-noising of Wayside Acoustic Signal from Train Bearings Based on Variable Digital Filtering”. Applied Acoustics, 83 (1): 127- 140.
Wang C., Kong F., He Q.*, Hu F., and Liu F. (2014). “Doppler Effect Removal Based on Instantaneous Frequency Estimation and Time Domain Re-sampling for Wayside Acoustic Defective Bearing Detector System”, Measurement, 50 (0): 346-355.
Zhu J., Wang C., Hu Z., Kong F.*, and Liu X. (2017). “Adaptive Variational Mode Decomposition Based on Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm for Fault Diagnosis of Rolling Bearings”. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 231 (4): 635-654.
Hu Z., Wang C., Zhu J., Liu X., and Kong F.* (2016). “Bearing Fault Diagnosis Based on an Improved Morphological Filter”. Measurement, 80 (0): 163-178.